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Leg training - build leg muscles effectively and safely

Many athletes attach importance to a muscular upper body and neglect the lower area. Yet well-shaped and trained legs are very important for the overall impression.


Not only a proudly curved chest and washboard abs should be on your to-do list. You should also always include your legs in your workout at home. Not only that lanky stilts do not fit visually at all to the muscular rest. Our legs also carry us through life every day. The stronger they are, the easier it is for us. Not to mention the visual benefits of shapely legs. We show you how you can optimally build up your leg muscles at Tinnkeohealthfactory to make a more healthy and sexy .


The leg muscles

Which muscles make for shapely legs?

The biggest powerhouse is the four-headed thigh muscle called quadriceps femoris on the front of the thigh. Its four individual muscles allow extension in the knee joint. The inner muscle portion is particularly important because it contributes significantly to joint stabilization. On the back lies the ischiocrural musculature, which consists of the two-headed thigh muscle (biceps femoris), the semitendinosus and the flat tendon muscle (semimembranosus). All three act as hip extensors and knee flexors. The lower leg muscles consist of the three-headed calf muscle (triceps surae), the twin calf muscle (gastrocnemius) and the clod muscles called soleus. The gastrocnemius in particular acts as a powerful flexor in the ankle joint and has a stabilizing effect on the knee joint.



The training principles

How can I train my legs optimally?

When training, you should follow a few principles: The main part of your workout should consist of multi-joint and compact exercises. As a beginner, six exercises are usually enough. Two of them should train the leg muscles. Two to three workouts on non-consecutive days are ideal. Studies have shown that the three-set method is particularly effective. In other words, you do three sets of 12 to 15 repetitions per exercise, with a break of about 60 seconds in between. The load is optimal when the last repetition strains you, but you still perform it technically correct. After six to eight weeks of regular training, you can increase the load and sometimes train to muscle exhaustion. But even then, technically correct movement is important. Ideally, you should alternate between exhaustive and less exhaustive workouts. Professionals can train with up to 90 percent of maximum strength. Then 3 sets of 4 to 8 repetitions are ideal.

Legs Workout

The tools   


What equipment can I use to train my legs optimally?


You have two options for your training at home: Training with free weights and training at weight stations. Both dumbbells and kettlebells are very suitable for your leg training. The advantage of free weights: the movements correspond to everyday movements and they are more effective because more muscles are used. However, they are also somewhat more difficult to perform. Even small changes in the movement sequence can activate completely different muscles. Therefore, training in front of a mirror or with a training partner is recommended. Training at a weight station is easier in terms of the movement sequence. You choose the desired weight and perform your exercise. Therefore, they are particularly suitable for beginners. But even professional athletes train on weight stations from time to time, because they allow you to precisely dose the weight.


The leg muscle exercises


Which exercises make muscular legs?


Probably the most effective exercise for building leg muscles is the squat exercise. You can do it in different variations and with different tools. We will introduce you to many of them below. Very effective and essential for muscular calves is the calf raise. On an appropriately equipped weight station, you can also train the individual leg muscles in isolation as far as possible. Here, too, we present a few exercises.

Leg training for beginners


Which exercises do I use to build muscle?    


Squats with dumbbells













Train the quadriceps femoris and the gluteal muscles







You take a dumbbell in each hand and hold it with outstretched arms next to your body. Then lower your butt with your back straight, to a 90-degree angle at the knees. Hold briefly and press back up without fully extending your knees.

Squats with barbell

Works the quadriceps femoris and gluteal muscles.


Place the barbell behind your head on your shoulders and stand hip-width apart. Your feet point slightly outward. This allows the knees to follow the feet anatomically correct. Then tighten your abdominal and gluteal muscles and squat with your back straight to a 90-degree angle. Hold briefly and then return to extension without pushing the knees all the way through.


Squats with kettlebell


Exercises the quadriceps femoris and gluteal muscles, as well as the back extensor.

Grasp the spherical part of the kettlebell from below with both hands and hold the weight in front of your chest. Stand a little more than hip-width and point your feet slightly outward. Then squat in a controlled manner with your back straight. The knees point towards the toes. Then press up again in a controlled manner without going into full extension.

Single leg squat

Works the quadriceps femoris, glutes and hamstrings.


Also highly effective is the single-leg squat. You can also perform this exercise with dumbbells, barbells and kettlebells. You hold the dumbbells on the right and left side of your body. Place the barbell behind your head on your shoulder. Hold the kettlebell from below with both hands and hold it in front of your chest. The basic exercise is as follows:


You get into a lunge position with your chest lifted, your eyes facing forward and your weight resting on your front leg. Then you slowly bend your knees and hips, whereby the front knee should not protrude beyond the tip of the foot. Lower the back knee almost to the floor. Then slowly return to extension.

Calf raise

Works the two-headed calf muscle and the clod muscle.


Again an exercise you can do with dumbbells, barbell or kettlebell. Hold the dumbbells and kettlebell in your right and left hands, and place the barbell on your shoulder behind your head.


Stand with the balls of your feet on a stable platform or a stepping board. Your body is completely straight. Then lift both heels to their maximum height, hold briefly and lower again.


Train your leg with LegXercise


Image by bruce mars

Leg bends at the Power station

Trains the thigh flexor


Depending on the weight station, you can perform leg curls in a seated or prone position. The exercise is self-explanatory, the weight station provides the movement. Important are controlled and not jerky movements. Try to keep tension permanently.

Leg stretches at the weight station

Exercises the quadriceps femoris


With this exercise performed in a sitting position, you can train the quadriceps, one of the largest muscle groups of the body, in isolation. This exercise is also self-explanatory, as the weight station dictates the movement.


 Leg training for advanced users


How can I train my legs even better?

The exercises that follow are a bit more difficult. They either load even more muscle groups or you have to try to keep your balance at the same time for some exercises.


Front squat with barbell

Works the quadriceps femoris, glutes and hamstrings.


In this exercise, the barbell rests in front on your shoulders. You stand tall and a little more than hip-width apart, with your feet pointing slightly outward. Then lift your chest and then, with your back straight, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold briefly and press back up in a controlled manner.


Bulgarian Squat with Dumbbells or Barbell

Works the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, double-headed calf muscle and clod muscle.

For this exercise you need a low bench or a step in front of which you stand with your back. If you are working with dumbbells, take them in both hands and hold them at the side of your body. 


Place the barbell bar behind your head on your shoulders. Then bring one leg back and place the toe on the bench or step. From this position, slowly bring the back knee down until the front thigh is parallel to the floor. Hold briefly and press back up. Switch legs after each set.

Seated calf raise with barbell

Trains especially the clod muscle


Sit on a weight bench or stool and place a sufficiently heavy barbell on the front of your thigh. You then press it upwards by bringing your heels upwards.


Leg training for professionals

Which leg exercises are suitable for professionals?

If you've been training for a long time and have a lot of leg strength, you may be looking for exercises that are particularly challenging. Here are three exercises for professionals:

Hackenschmidt squat with barbell

Works the quadriceps femoris, but also the glutes and hamstrings.


You take the barbell in the upper grip and bring it up behind your body into an upright position. Your feet are shoulder-width apart and turned slightly outward. Then bend your knees by slowly lowering the barbell behind your body. Bend your knees so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Your back is straight and your butt is stretched out backwards. Then straighten up again.


Lunge with barbell overhead

Trains the quadriceps femoris, glutes, hamstrings, deltoids and back extensor.


This exercise is very challenging because you have to keep your balance at the same time. You stand upright with your feet hip-width apart. Bring the barbell up in a wide overhand grip, bending your elbows slightly. Then, with your core muscles tight, place one leg forward with a big step until your back knee almost touches the floor. Hold briefly, then shift the weight to the back leg and return to the starting position.


Deadlift with barbell

Works the glutes, hood muscle, back extensor, straight abdominals, hamstrings and quadriceps femoris.

Highly effective exercise that is also part of powerlifting. The barbell lies in front of you under your feet. You take the barbell bar more than shoulder width in the alternating grip. Then lift the barbell by pressing your legs firmly into the floor and extending your knees and hips. Keep your back straight. Raise to standing position, then release weight in a controlled manner. Change grip.


Lunge with barbell overhead

Exercises the quadriceps femoris, glutes, hamstrings, deltoids and back extensor.


This exercise is very challenging because you have to keep your balance at the same time. You stand upright with your feet hip-width apart. Bring the barbell up in a wide overhand grip, bending your elbows slightly. Then, with your core muscles tight, place one leg forward with a big step until your back knee almost touches the floor. Hold briefly, then shift the weight to the back leg and return to the starting position.


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